While making bending notes for a Leap Frog Fridge DJ, I thought about the patterns it creates on its 42 LED display. I decided to make an enclosure that would go over the display and align a photoresistor with each LED so that each time an LED was illuminated, it would trigger a corresponding key on a circuit bent keyboard. I chose a 49-key Casio MT-240 for this project. I designed the enclosure parts in Illustrator and laser cut them from black acrylic, adding the photoresistors and a 15 pin DSUB connector to connect it to the keyboard:

I removed the LED display from another Fridge DJ and wired it in parallel with the one covered by the enclosure so that the LED patterns would be visible (the ones under the enclosure are covered of course). This 2nd display was attached to the keyboard:

Here’s the result:
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