The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen’s Society Circuit Bending Marching Band and Ladies’ Auxiliary, aka HPTEGSCBMBLA (pron. həp-TEG-skə-bum-bluh), is a collection of noisy loons who, despite ranging in age from 19 to 60-something, have failed to GROW UP. They are known to show up at various LA area parades like The DooDah Parade, the NELA Holiday Parade and the Cypress Park Cinco de Mayo Parade. They come carrying toys and other electronic devices whose insides have been poked and prodded into making sounds their original makers never intended, plugging ’em into portable amps, each marcher wearing some kind of crazy blue and gold costume, and MARCHING! Ok, walking. Ok, meandering randomly, emitting a loud and joyful din….
Below is video of a typical parade, the 2018 NELA Holiday Parade…